A Wandering Mind

An article in Science Magazine reports a study done several years ago regarding the mind’s tendency to wander. The article states:

Many philosophical and religious traditions teach that happiness is to be found by living in the moment, and practitioners are trained to resist mind wandering and “to be here now.” These traditions suggest that a wandering mind is an unhappy mind. Are they right?

Jumping to the article’s conclusion: Yes, the traditions are right.

This study revealed three facts:

1. People’s minds wander frequently.
2. People are less happy when their minds wander.
3. What people think about is a better predictor of happiness than what people do.

This is why the Bible places so much importance on our thought life. What we think about makes a difference.

Life is better — more fulfilling, more meaningful — when we remain fixed in the moment on that which really matters.

Now, if you’re like me, your mind might have wandered a bit while you read these few sentences. (Maybe because mine wandered a bit while I wrote them.) It does takes effort to stay on track. But the effort is always worth it.

So, the question is:

Which ideas deserve your undivided attention today?

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. (Proverbs 4:5)

Time to Remember

From an article in Psychology Today on dealing with discouragement.

One common way to help yourself is to think of times when you were in a good place.
When failure discourages you, think of when you’ve succeeded. When depression makes you despair, think of when you were happy.

Recall that these “up” times have followed the “down” ones.

Remember that you have gotten out of holes before — even if it doesn’t feel possible from the deep, hard dirt floor.

We see a good example of this in Psalm 42.

Written during a time of trouble and exile, the psalmist thinks back to better days.

These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng. (Psalm 42:4)

And he says again:

My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you… (Psalm 42:6)

This intentional remembering leads to a breakthrough.

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (Psalm 42:11)

When you’re downcast and discouraged, it’s time to remember: Remember God’s faithfulness in the past, and remember his promise for the future.

How Do You Sleep?

Patti Horoho is a retired US Army Lieutenant General who served as General of the US Army Medical Command. Her job was to oversee the health of army personnel and their families — about 4 million people worldwide.

During her command, she introduced a pilot program that she called The Performance Triad, which focused on maximizing diet, fitness and sleep.

Step One was to begin improving each soldier’s sleeping habits. She made this observation:

“If you have six hours of sleep or less for six days in a row, your cognitive performance is the same as .08 intoxication. We’ve never let a soldier in our formation intoxicated. Why would we allow soldiers to have cognitive impairment?”

She also notes that people who sleep less tend to eat more — on average 500 more calories per day than well-rested people. Horoho says the key to top-level productivity begins with a good night’s sleep.

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers, made a similar observation. In his research he noted that, while average Americans get slightly less than 7 hours of sleep each night, top performers get closer to 8.5 hours of sleep each night.

Horoho also says that we should look at sleep as ammunition for the brain.

“You need to go into battle with your brain having enough sleep, so that you can make the right decisions, because lives depend on it.”

This is exactly what Elijah needed to do in order to get his head on straight in the aftermath of his encounter with Jezebel.

Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. (1 Kings 19:5)

Sometimes (as in every night of the week) the best thing you can do for yourself, for your family, and for your ministry is turn out the lights, turn off the tube, and catch some zzzzzs.

The Freedom to Dream

Albert Einstein said, “Once a day, allow yourself the freedom to dream.”

I don’t know what Einstein dreamed about; I guess his life’s work and the contributions he made to physics can give us a clue.

What about you? If you were devote time each day to the task of dreaming, what would your dream be? A better family life? A closer walk with Christ? A step up the ladder? Greater financial security?

When we dream, we challenge ourselves to see beyond the unsightly nature of now … to see instead what might be.

We know the words of Jesus. “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

Mustard-seed faith, which is actually mountain moving faith, starts with a dream — an idea of what could be.

No one need remain in neutral forever. The first step to changing any life situation is to allow yourself to dream.

Try it. Once a day (that is, at least once a day), take some time to get alone with God, think about your life, your ministry, your family, your health, your happiness, and give yourself the freedom to imagine how things could be — not because we live in a lucky world, but because God is always good.

Today is a good day to give it a try.

Mastering the Mountain

There’s a story told about Sir Edmund Hillary, who was the first person (along with Tenzing Norgay) to reach the top of Mount Everest.

It happened on his third try. On his previous attempt he not only failed to reach the summit, but his team also lost one of its members.

A few months after their failed effort, Hillary spoke to an audience about the experience.

Behind him on the platform was a huge photograph of Everest. Hillary turned toward the image and said, “Mount Everest, you have defeated us. But I will return. And I will defeat you. Because you cannot get any bigger … and I can.”

When it comes to facing mountains, how does one “get bigger“?

It begins with faith. Jesus said…

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

Edmund Hillary became “bigger than Everest” through better planning, more detailed research, greater teamwork, and tenacious perseverance.

And the first step was faith — faith that this mountain could be conquered, after all.

No doubt you’re facing a mountain or two today: a mountain of problems, a mountain of fear, a mountain of uncertainty.

Mountains don’t move without determined effort, thoughtful planning, or courageous perseverance.

And these all begin with faith.

It is faith that gives you the substance to attempt something bigger than you. Not faith in ourselves, but faith in the God for whom nothing is impossible.

What might you say to the mountain you face today?

Your Brain on Gratitude

Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Brain Maker, makes that point that gratitude — mindful, intentional gratitude — has been shown in various studies to increase the function of the pre-fontal cortex.

These executive functions include the ability to focus, to control one’s impulses, to think in an organized manner, and to accurately anticipate certain outcomes, as in: If I do ‘A’ and ‘B’, it will likely result in ‘C’.

In short, gratitude tends to defog the mind, enabling one to think clearer, sharper, and better.

Another way to say it: Gratitude increases your ability to see the events of your life from God’s perspective.

We were created to be grateful.

Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:19-20)

The Most Important Day of Your Life

George Muller wrote in his autobiography that after serving Christ more than 40 years, “I saw more than ever that the first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was to have my soul happy in the Lord.”

Our effectiveness in ministry — and life — is related to this principle. Starting the day right is the best way to ensure that you spend it right, and you end it right.

David wrote…

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love.” (Psalm 143:8)

Before you check the news or check your email — even before the coffee is ready — take some time to wait silently for “word of God’s unfailing love.”

This day is the most important day of your life so far. Making the most of it begins with seeing to it that your soul is happy in him.

Bearing Our Burdens

Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden. (Psalm 68:19)

It’s in the writings of Moses.

And the psalms of David.

And the promises of the prophets.

And the teachings of Jesus.

And the letters of Peter and Paul.

Again and again we’re reminded throughout Scripture that we don’t have to face the hardships of this life alone. When our burdens become too great to bear, too heavy to lift, God will do for you and me what we are unable to do for ourselves.

When worry is weighing you down, he promises to carry the weight.

And not just sometimes, David wants us to know. It’s all the time. It’s daily.

Our God is ready to bear your burden daily.

When you need him, turn to him. He will be there.

Making First Things First

Dr. Gerald Bell is the co-author of the best-selling The Carolina Way with legendary basketball coach Dean Smith. He’s also the founder of the Bell Leadership Institute.

Several years ago, Dr. Bell surveyed 4000 retired business executives, with an average age of seventy, asking one key question: If you could live your over again, what would you do differently?

The number one answer:

“I should have taken charge of my life and set my goals earlier.”

The other top answers included:

– Taken better care of my health.
– Managed money better.
– Spent more time with family.
– Spent more time on personal development.

Few of us are at the beginning of our career; some of us have already rounded third. But it’s not too late to make your life about the things that matter most.

Anyone who’s willing can take charge of their life today, even if there’s not much as time left on the clock as there used to be.

Anyone who’s willing can take charge of their health today, even if it’s more of an uphill climb than it once was.

Anyone who’s willing can begin making themselves available to their closest friends and family today, even if the relationship has faced hurdles in the past.

And so on.

For those still in the early stages of their career, these five values are certainly good guidelines to follow.

For those who are in the later stages of the journey, they’re still good to go by.

It’s never too late to make first things first.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

The Quality-of-Life Reduction Device

When a young Jack Canfield went to work for the legendary entrepreneur W. Clement Stone sometime back in the sixties, long before Canfield’s success with Chicken Soup for the Soul,  Mr. Stone gave him this advice:

“If you want to be successful, stop watching TV.”

Stone referred to the television set as an “Income Reduction Box.”

Canfield took his advice, and ultimately built quite a publishing empire.

Today, nearly everyone we know has in their possession, all day every day, something that could rightfully be called an income reduction device.

Or, maybe, the quality-of-life reduction device.

The more time one spends looking at it, the less time one spends doing their job and/or fulfilling their purpose.

It’s something to seriously consider: With every tap and every swipe you’re making someone else richer, and you’re making yourself poorer — maybe not financially poorer, but poorer in ways that matter more.

While I’m sure we would all agree that these devices serve a useful function, we could also, no doubt, agree with this statement:

“I’ve had many great moments in my life; none of them occurred while staring at my phone.”

Do this as often as you can for as long as you can: Put your device down. Walk away from it for a while. Step outside and listen to the sounds of the real world all around you. Focus on this moment. Experience God’s presence. Say thank you…And stay right there for a bit.

Then, quick, take a selfie and post it on Facebook: Me enjoying some technology-free time!

Just kidding about that last part. Serious about the rest, though.

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. (James 4:7)

Idealists and the Fire

Warren Wiersbe said, “A realist is an idealist who has gone through the fire and been purified. A skeptic is an idealist who has gone through the fire and been burned.”

What makes the difference?

It’s not the fire, the heat, or the duration. It’s the attitude you choose to bring out of it.

When you look back on life’s unpleasant events, you can choose to see what you learned from the ordeal, or you can just see it as a bad experience and get nothing else from it.

In every trial, every problem, every difficult situation, God is seeking to teach us something new, seeking to take us to a higher place.

Maybe it’s a chance to exercise a bolder faith. Maybe it’s a chance to identify bad behavior that we must abandon. Or maybe it’s an opportunity to practice perseverance.

The lesson is always there in difficult circumstances; we can choose to be purified and made holy, or we can just allow ourselves to become burned and bitter.

Daniel wrote…

Many will be purified, cleansed and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means. (Daniel 12:10)

The Show Me Prayer

On February 1966 Navy Captain Gerald Coffee was flying a reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam when he was shot down by enemy anti-aircraft fire.

He was soon captured and placed in a military prison in downtown Hanoi, where he would spend the next 7 years of his life: tortured, beaten, and confined to a filthy cell — so tiny that he could neither fully stand up or fully lie down.

How did he endure such inhumane treatment for such an extended time?

In a 2014 interview with PBS, he said…

“Early on my prayers changed from ‘Why me’ to ‘Show me.’

“I quit saying, ‘Why me, God?’ and I started saying: ‘Show me, God…

“‘How can I use this positively? Help me to use it to go home as a better, stronger, smarter man in every possible way that I can, to go home as a better naval officer, to go home as a better American, a better citizen, a better Christian.

“‘God, help me to use this time productively so that it won’t be some kind of a void or a vacuum in my life.’”

Next, he said…

“And after that change in my prayers, every single day took on a new meaning.”

There’s no question that our trials pale in comparison to Captain Coffee’s. And yet, ‘Why Me?’ remains a mantra for many.

Why Me? leads only to a greater sense of despair.

Show Me, on the other hand, moves us in a new direction, where we experience God’s presence and God’s power like never before.

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)