potter's hand

Clay in the Potter’s Hand

Several years ago at Silver Dollar City, our group saw a demonstration of clay in the potter’s hand, as we watched an artist craft, with great skill, a small vase out of a mere lump.

When he asked if anyone would like to give it a try, one man stepped up. He then sat at the wheel, and as the clay began to spin round and round, he grabbed hold with both hands … and made a big mess.

Being a potter is not nearly as easy as it looks. For a lump of clay to become a lovely decoration, someone who knows what they’re doing needs to be sitting at the wheel.

The Bible compares our lives to this same kind of clay, needing to be shaped.

The question is: Who, if anyone, will do the shaping?

I’m guessing no one really wants their outcomes to be determined by the random spinning of an unattended wheel. Nor do we want to be left in the hands of an unskilled volunteer.

Neither scenario is likely to end well.

However, if you will allow God his rightful place at the potter’s table, the words of Jeremiah will be yours…

“O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.” (Jeremiah 18:6)

This day, as in every day, you get to choose who sits at the potter’s wheel, and whose clay you will be.

Today’s memo was taken from Steve’s series: Shaping Things to Come.

God is frowning

When It Feels Like God is Frowning

A while back I came across a quote from William Carey, taken from his journal, April 1794, during his first year in India.

“This day was tumultuous in its beginning, but was afterwards more calm. Yet a burden of guilt is not easily removed: nothing short of infinite power, and infinite goodness, can remove such a load as mine.

“O that I had but a smiling God, or an earthly friend to whom I could unbosom my soul! But my friend is at a great distance, and God frowns upon my soul. O may his countenance be lifted upon me again.”

Carey was expressing his feelings here, not writing a theological treatise. His words reflect a servant’s struggle with sin and the struggle with loneliness.

It’s a struggle everyone in ministry knows. And you need not travel to another continent to meet these enemies face-to-face. They’ll come to you, where you are.

Carey won the battle, ultimately. He stayed in India, translated the New Testament into several languages, planted churches and missionary training centers, and became known as the Father of Modern Missions.

The battle he won, we can win, too. When burdens seem too great to bear, when friends are nowhere to be found, when it feels like God is frowning, remember William Carey — not just what he accomplished, but what he overcame in April 1794.

And the redeemed of the LORD will return and come to Zion with singing, crowned with unending joy. Joy and gladness will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee. (Isaiah 51:11)

Today’s memo was updated from a previous post.

God is all you need

God Is All You Need

Rita SpringerIn a worship conference several years back I heard Rita Springer say…

“You’ll never know that God is all you need until you reach a point where God is all you have.”

Actually, you don’t have to lose everything to learn this. It just takes one sudden storm.

You can have a multitude of friends and piles of money and a great big stack of success … and then one unexpected event brings you face to face with the realization that none of it matters.

In these times you learn that in spite of all your accumulated accoutrements, God is really all you have.

The good news, however, is that God is all you need. He comes to us in our weakest moments. He comforts us and reminds us of his never-ending love. Where we have failed him, he is quick to forgive.

And he remains near to us through it all.

This is why the psalmist could say…

“I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.” (Psalm 57:1)

As you begin your week, keep this in mind: All you truly need you already have.

Today’s memo was updated from a previous post.

Mike Flynt Football

Dreams That Never Age

Mike FlyntOn October 13, 2007 — a  perfect day for football — 59-year-old Mike Flynt took the field for the Sul Ross State Lobos … not as a coach or trainer, but as a player. He was their starting linebacker.

Flynt had played for this Division III team back in 1970, but was forced to quit before his senior year. He never quite got over the regret of not getting to play, so 37 years later, when he discovered he still had one more semester of eligibility, he sold his house, moved back to Texas, enrolled in school, and tried out for the team.

Sports Illustrated called him “the ultimate college senior.” A grandfather, an AARP member, eight years older than his head coach … and capable of playing against guys one-third his age. Mike Flynt earned his spot on the roster like all the other players.

He said, “This opportunity is just a testament to what you can do at any stage of your life if you’ll just take a few minutes every day to prioritize your health and take better care of yourself.”

Maybe the most amazing detail of Mike’s story is that, as a 59 year collegiate linebacker, he didn’t set the record. There have been a couple of others even older than him.

We need to remember that many of our limitations in life are self-imposed. God never says you’re too young, too old, too weak, too broken, or too anything to be used by him. One qualification eclipses them all: a willingness to jump in and try.

God promised through the prophet Joel that the old would continue to dream dreams. I encourage you to claim that promise. Decide today that you’ll never let the number of candles on your cake prevent you from dreaming new dreams … and pursuing them.

Fear and Faith

George Muller said, “The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.”

We have a choice between worry and belief, between fear and faith.

That’s why Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Luke 8:50)

Fear and faith are incompatible. One always works to crowd out the other.

We don’t always call it fear. Sometimes it’s just a little worry, a little anxiety. But these are only fear diluted.

So, what are you worried about today? Which anxious thoughts are chipping away at your confidence in God’s ability to provide?

You have a choice between fear and faith. The direction you take eventually eliminates the other, so choose your path carefully.

schedule your priorities

Schedule Your Priorities

Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) said …

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

Effective leaders make that which matters most the top priority, each and every day.

No doubt you already have a long list of items today that must get done. But what about those things that merely need to get done? When and where will they fit in?

When Jesus visited his friends in Bethany, Martha spent the morning doing what had to be done: cooking and cleaning (and then complaining).

Mary, however, did what matters most: she spent the morning sitting at the feet of Jesus.

When Martha objected, Jesus said, “You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

We all have Martha-type chores to do. They can’t be ignored forever, or even for long. Eventually, they must get done.

But don’t forget that which is needed. Today (and then tomorrow) before you get to what must be done, get to what needs to be done.

Consider doing first that which matters most. Schedule your priorities. You do so with a promise: it will never be taken away from you.

Spiritual Depth

Directed by the Deep

In the frigid waters surrounding the island of Greenland there are countless icebergs, some tiny, some gigantic. If you watched them closely you would see that the smaller chunks sometimes move in one direction, while the larger ones move in another direction.

Why is that?

Small icebergs are driven by surface winds; the large are directed by deep ocean currents.

Of course, you can’t see the currents, but they’re there. If an iceberg has sufficient depth, it can be carried by the current, in spite of which way the wind is blowing.

It’s the same for people like you and me. Those with sufficient spiritual depth aren’t swayed by the breeze of public opinion or ideological fashion. Neither are they driven by any gust of random circumstance.

Instead, they’re directed by the deeper current of God’s Word … by faith in his promise: “I am with you always.”

For this reason, the goal of the believer is to become firm in their knowledge of Jesus Christ …

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (Ephesians 4:14)

This means that job one each day is to take steps in knowing him more: Spending time in his Word, spending time with him in prayer. This is where spiritual depth begins.

This daily routine, more than any other, establishes the believer in the Christian life, enabling them to be directed by the deeper current of faith, not the ever-changing winds of chance.

Today’s post was updated from a previous post.