The Fear and Faith Disconnect

George Muller said this about the conflict between fear and faith:

“The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of faith is the end of anxiety.”

We often find ourselves facing the choice between fear and faith, between worry and belief. That’s why Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Mark 5:36)

You can’t flip a coin and get both heads and tails; one side always wins. In the same way, faith and fear can’t co-exist. One always crowds out the other.

Often our struggle is not so much with full-blown fear; it’s more like nagging worry and lingering anxiety. Of course, these are just forms of fear diluted. Left to themselves, they’ll give their full-blown version a place to call home.

What are you worried about today? Which anxious thoughts are chipping away at your confidence in God’s ability to provide?

Each day we have a choice between fear and faith. It’s the difference between saying, “God is with me; he will see me through,” or saying, “I’ve got to handle this on my own.”

The choice we make eventually eliminates the other, so let’s choose our words — and the resulting path — with care.