Three Words at a Time

You’re Three Words Away

Three simple words often stand between you and the life you’ve always dreamed about. They have the power to prevent you from experiencing everything good, everything worthwhile, everything you truly want.

The three words?

Just this once.

As in: “I know I shouldn’t do this, but just this once I will … I know there are matters of importance that I should tend to, but just this once I’ll let them slide. After all, what difference can it make? It’s not like it’s a habit. It’s Just This Once.”

Of course, we know what happens next. It isn’t long before just this once becomes Every Single Time. And by then it’s in charge.

There’s no just-this-once clause in the Christian life. Every moment and every action matters — including this moment, and the very next action you take. If you want to cultivate a life of holiness, don’t kid yourself into thinking that our choices matter only most of the time. They matter every time.

There’s s better way to respond to this temptation. Again, it’s three simple words.


Maybe you can’t (yet) say with confidence that you’ll never do again what you’re tempted to do … but you can say, in any situation, not this time.

As in: “This is where I usually indulge my temper, spend money I don’t have, or follow a foolish impulse. It’s what I usually do, it’s what I’m tempted to do … but I won’t — not this time.”

You’ll be amazed at how a few instances of saying “not-this-time” will lead to a shift in momentum. Small victories become big victories. Faithful in little turns into faithful in much.

Each and every day you have the option to just-this-once your way to misery, or not-this-time your way into a life of significance.

You’re three words away. Which ones will you speak?

As soon as you command, I do what you say. (Psalm 119:60 CEV)