Albert Einstein said, “Once a day, allow yourself the freedom to dream.”
I don’t know what Einstein dreamed about; I guess his life’s work and the contributions he made to physics can give us a clue.
What about you? If you were devote time each day to the task of dreaming, what would your dream be? A better family life? A closer walk with Christ? A step up the ladder? Greater financial security?
When we dream, we challenge ourselves to see beyond the unsightly nature of now … to see instead what might be.
We know the words of Jesus. “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)
Mustard-seed faith, which is actually mountain moving faith, starts with a dream — an idea of what could be.
No one need remain in neutral forever. The first step to changing any life situation is to allow yourself to dream.
Try it. Once a day (that is, at least once a day), take some time to get alone with God, think about your life, your ministry, your family, your health, your happiness, and give yourself the freedom to imagine how things could be — not because we live in a lucky world, but because God is always good.
Today is a good day to give it a try.